Video Subscription Terms of Use and Conditions

Pre-constructed, Customized, Advertising Video Subscription Terms of Use and Conditions

This policy simultaneously applies to Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ and its alternate, secondary, trade name Visual Resumés and Service Advertising Videos™

1. Introduction:

Welcome to our video subscription service! Thank you for responding to our notification regarding the pre-constructed advertising video that is associated with your business or service! These Terms of Use and Conditions outline the agreement between Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ and you, the subscriber i.e. the subscribing business/company or service that the pre-constructed advertising video relates to. By accessing and using our platform or pre-produce video, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

2. Subscription Product Use and Services Provided:

1. “As-is” Video Presentation: We have pre-constructed, and are presenting an as-is pre-constructed, customized, advertising video about your business or services offered, based on information we have gleaned from online research of your business or services offered. Our knowledge about your company or services offered may also be based on ads you have placed either online or in physical locations. Additionally, our awareness of your establishment may have come about from an observation of your actual physical brick-and-mortar store location. See, Exceptions to “As-is” Video Status: One-time Edits, and Two Quarterly Informational Edits/Updates.

2. Your Access and Use of the Video You are Subscribed to Use: Your purchased subscription provides you the continuous availability to share for viewing, via one or more sharable links provided, the pre-constructed, customized advertising video you subscribed to for the purpose of online and print business marketing. This continuous availability will last throughout the term of your subscription. Though, downloading the video is prohibited, sharing access to the video for viewing on your social media pages, other online platforms, and print media, are ideal.

3. Video Maintenance: Your subscription includes video maintenance. If the video you are subscribed to is having technical issues, you may notify us at We will work to find technical solutions to make sure that the video is being displayed properly and that provide solutions if you are having problems with sharing the links with the provided link or links. Technical support of the video that you are subscribed to, is part of your subscription plan.

4. Exceptions to “As-is” Video Status:

a. One-time Edits: Prior to approving and subscribing to the video that was pre-constructed to suite your business or service, you may request a one-time informational edit and provide one optional selfie image of one person to include in your business’s/company’s or service’s video. (Up to (4) portrait-selfies or service-related, staged-selfies allowed for individual/ subject focused occupational services, such as a tutor, a music teacher, a plumber, etc., as opposed to a tutoring service, or a plumbing service, where multiple people are performing the work.)

1. Clarification of Informational Edits: Informational edits are for the purpose of correcting or updating information, such as hours of operation, contact person’s name, and services offered. Informational edits are not for major design changes, major voiceover changes, nor for changes in the order of video presentation slides. Informational edits do not involve the re-constructing of the video itself.

2. Edit Locations and Details: Small informational additions and one portrait-selfie in one to two spots, may be added where they can fit in creatively and logically. These locations are at the discretion of Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™.

3. Reasonable Revisions: If informational changes are needed prior your approval, we will make reasonable revisions as described above, based on your feedback. (See below: Flexibility with Initial One-time Informational Edits.)

b. Two Quarterly Informational Edits/Updates:

1. Quarterly EditsIf after your initial one-time edit, more informational changes are needed, you will be allowed to submit two informational edits per quarter, i.e., per every three-month period, during your subscription term. This includes adding a total of one selfie-image, or changing out the portrait-selfie image that you chose to use in your video initially. (Up to (4) portrait-selfie and service-related, selfie-image if the advertising video is individual/subject focused service. See, Exceptions to “As-is” Video Status: One-time Edits.)

c. Flexibility with Initial One-time Informational Edit:

1. Edits Prior to Approval: Especially when subscribing to use a pre-constructed advertising video through the "Customize That Video to Suit My Business" link and form, minor non-informational edits that don't involve customizing areas of service, contact information, business name, and business addresses, may be made if they are not extremely complicated in nature. When submitting an "Update Prior to Approving" form, be sure to suggest the non-informational editorial changes that you would like to see changed in the as-is video. If it is just a minor adjustment here or there, we may be able to accommodate you on some changes that are non-informational, despite our policy. However, this is completely up to our discretion and is not a guaranteed part of our services offered. This applies to all our videos that are made available to purchase a subscription to use, no matter which of our available methods was used to purchase that subscription from us.  

3. Selfie Image Additions:

1. Portrait-Selfie: A portrait-selfie is just a picture that you take of yourself for the purpose of having it included in the business advertising video that you are subscribed to use. It may be a picture of an owner or an authorized person who represents the company. The person can also be the authorized contact person for the business.

a. Photo Consent and Release Form Required: All selfie images submitted for inclusion into an advertising video must include a signed Visual Resumés and Service ad Video™ Photo Consent and Release Form. The individual pictured in the photograph submitted must be the same person who has signed and submitted the Photo consent and release form.

b. An Actual Selfie is Currently Required: The selfie-image submitted must have been photographed by the person who is represented/displayed in the selfie. If the person pictured is not an owner, or authorized agent of the company, written permission from the owner or authorized agent of the company must be provided on Visual Resumés and Service ad Video™ Photo Consent and Release Form, consenting to allow Visual Resumés and Service ad Video™ to include that person’s image to be displayed in the advertising video that represents the associated business.

c. One Person Identifiable: No other individuals may be identifiable in the photo submitted. Portrait-Selfies apply to all types of businesses that are represented by pre-constructed advertising videos.

2. Service-Related, Staged Selfies: Service-related, staged-selfies are selfies that you take of yourself using a tripod and a camera or camera phone that allows you to take a selfie of yourself with a timed or remote shutter.

a. Explanation of Service-Related, Staged SelfiesYou take the picture of yourself wearing your service or occupation-related attire while performing your service-related tasks. These tasks could include such things as standing in front of an efficiently running faucet, if you are a plumber; or standing in front of a whiteboard with a marker in your hand, if you are a tutor. The whiteboard could have math problems written on it in the same color as the marker in your hand.

b. Who May Be Displayed: Service-related, staged-selfies may be a picture(s) of an owner or an authorized person who represents the company. The person can also be the authorized contact person for the business.

c. Photo Consent and Release Form Required: All selfie images submitted for inclusion into an advertising video must include a signed Visual Resumés and Service ad Video™ Photo Consent and Release Form. The individual pictured in the photograph submitted must be the same person who has signed and submitted the Photo consent and release form.

d. An Actual Selfie is Currently, Required and When Additional Approval is Required: The selfie-image submitted must have been photographed by the person who is represented/displayed in the selfie. If the person pictured is not an owner, or authorized agent of the company, written permission from the owner or authorized agent of the company must be provided on Visual Resumés and Service ad Video™ Photo Consent and Release Form, consenting to allow Visual Resumés and Service ad Video™ to include that person’s image to be displayed in the advertising video that represents the associated business. This is also required for portrait-selfies submitted for video inclusion.

e. One Person Identifiable: No other individuals may be identifiable in the photo submitted. Service-related, staged-selfies apply to all types of businesses that are represented by pre-constructed advertising videos.

3. Intellectual Property, Trademarks, and Logos Displayed in Submitted Selfie Images: You retain ownership of any content (such as logos, branding, or proprietary materials) provided to us or permitted to us to use in producing the video you are subscribing to use.

a. Permission You Grant to Us: When subscribing to use our pre-constructed advertising video that is associated with your business/company or service, you grant us the permission to upload and publish it to our website,; our disclosed company-designated social media pages, if necessary; and other company-designated channels on disclosed video hosting platforms, for your marketing use. (See, Where Will the Video You Subscribe to Use, Be Located and Displayed?)

b. Additional Permission You Grant to Us: Also, you grant us permission to display within these videos, if applicable, if intentional, and if accidental, your associated/related company/business logos, branding, trademark(s), tradename(s), and intellectual property. This permission applies, whether these associated/related company/business logos, trademark(s) or tradename(s) are officially registered, or not.

c. Intellectual Property Displayed in Selfies Submitted: Though, it is unlikely that we will include any logos or unique trademarks other than the company name within pre-constructed videos, the above mentioned permission granted by you also covers trademarks, trade names, branding, logos, and other intellectual property that may be included in your uploaded or emailed selfie images that you voluntarily submit to us as edits or updates to add to the associated pre-constructed advertising video.

d. Intellectual Property Displayed on Store Location Images Submitted: Images of brick-and-mortar building locations that may include proprietary signage and intellectual property imagery that are in any selfie images that you voluntarily upload or email to us for use in pre-constructed ad videos, are also included in your granted permission to use.

e. When Does Your Granted Permission Apply: The granting of the above detailed permission only applies during the term of your active subscription or active subscriptions.

f. Your Exclusive Use Rights, With an Exception: Except for our above-mentioned uploading and publishing of the video on our company-designated pages and/or channels on disclosed platforms, we grant you an exclusive right to the sharable link or links, and applicable QR codes associated with the video that you are subscribed to use. We will not give these links or applicable codes to any non-subscribing party. When your subscription term is over, your applicable video or videos will be removed and will be either destroyed or archived for your potential future use.

4. Video Pre-viewing and Pre-Approval Prior to Subscribing:   

Pre-viewing and Pre-approving prior to purchasing your subscription is required to allow an opportunity to submit important informational edits with prior to subscribing. After submitting your “Verification to View” form you will be sent a link whereby you will be able to privately view the pre-constructed, customized, advertising video associated with your business or service. You may also be given an associated password that will be needed to access the video.

1. Submitting Requests for Informational Edits: To submit informational edits during an initial one-time edit, use the “Update Prior to Approval Form” at You will be able to input a number that will be assigned to the video that you are requesting to have informationally edited.  

2. Submitting Portrait-Selfie and Service-related, staged-selfies: Prior to approval you may request a one-time informational edit and provide an optional selfie image of one person to include in the pre-constructed, customized, ad video that is associated with your business/company or service. You may submit up to four (4) selfie images prior to approval, if your business or service type focused around one service provider, as opposed to a team or group of service providers. See, Selfie Image Additions, Part B.

3. Approving a Pre-constructed Adverting Videos Prior to Subscribing: Approving a video that you anticipate purchasing a subscription prior to subscribing is part of the subscription process. This can be done at where you can fill out and submit the “Approve and Subscribe” form. The link to this address will be emailed to you after you have submitted a Verification to View form. Along with this will be a number that is associated with the pre-constructed customized video that you are going to be viewing.

a. Checkout Availability: Immediately after submitting the “Approve and Subscribe” form, you will be able to purchase your subscription on the website’s Video Subscription Checkout Page.

b. Previewing of Video After Notification is Temporarily Available: The link or password that you have been given to gain access to view the ad video that relates to your company will be either changed or removed within a specific time frame after you have been sent a notification to view the video. It will also prohibit sharing or downloading.

5. Subscription Details: 

1. Subscription Price: The regular annual video subscription fee is $199.00.

2. Renewal: Your subscription will automatically renew annually at the regular price unless you choose to cancel prior to the renewal date.

3. Additional Video Usage: As part of the renewal, you receive one free additional video usage beyond your base subscription.

4. Informational Edits: Both videos are entitled to two informational edits every quarter (every three-month time span) during the subscription period. (This does not include any form of video re-creation other than the inclusion of one selfie-image if one was not added initially during the one-time edit.) Switching out the one selfie image that was initially added with the initial one-time edit, is also plausible.

a. Switching Out Selfie Images: During quarterly edits, individual service-related service providers, such as a tutor, a music teacher, or a plumber, etc., whose ad videos focus on the professionalism of an individual subject, may add up to a total of four selfie images if none were added as an initial one-time, edit; or they may switch out the one to four selfie images that were initially used as the one-time edit additions to the pre-constructed video.

6. Usage Policies: 

1. Downloading: Downloading videos is not allowed. We will continue to stream our video from the platform or platforms that we have disclosed. You may access the video from those locations, including our website at, to share it on your social media pages and for directing others to learn about your business or service. Your potential customers can be directed to the ad video that relates to your company by using the sharable links and applicable QR Code(s) we have provided you with as part of your subscription plan.

2. Sharing: You are permitted to share video links on social media platforms and in print marketing ads for marketing purposes.

7. Cancellations and Refunds:

1. Cancellation: You can cancel your subscription at any time before the next renewal date. To cancel your subscription, either email us from the same email used to purchase your subscription at or utilize the subscription cancellation form at to fill out and submit a cancellation form.

2. Avoid Being Charged Prior to CancellationTo avoid having your credit card charged for a renewed annual subscription, cancel your subscription fourteen to thirty days (14 to 30 days) prior to your subscription renewal date. This allows sufficient time for processing and prevents any unexpected charges.

3. Refunds: Refunds are not provided for unused portions of the subscription periods.

a. When Refunds are An Option:  Refunds are only offered if the subscribed-to product has not been accessible to the subscriber within fourteen days of purchasing a subscription. Refunds may be offered after the fourteenth day of non-delivery of the purchased product and the subscription will be cancelled if a refund has been issued. (See, Timeline of Product Delivery After Subscription Purchase.)

8. Auto-Renewal Notice:

1. Auto-Renewal Notice: Notice of upcoming renewal and cancellation deadlines will be emailed to you, via the email you have provided during subscription purchasing, within fifteen to forty-five days (15 to 45 days) prior to the scheduled automatic renewal date.  

2. Cancellation Notice: Notice of your cancellation deadline will also be emailed to you, via the email address you have provided during subscription purchasing, at least thirty days (30 days) prior to your cancellation deadline.

9. Intellectual Property:

1. Ownership: All video content remains our intellectual property, with the exclusion of your company’s/business’s or service’s intellectual property mentioned in Selfie Image Additions, Section 3, Parts A through Part F. You retain all rights to your applicable company logos, trademarks, tradenames, branding, and other intellectual property.

2. License: By subscribing, you receive a limited, non-transferable license to access and view the videos during your subscription term or terms purchased.

10. Third-Party Content:

1. Third-Party Content: The advertising videos that we pre-construct contain third-party content such as stock videos, stock photo images,

stock music, and artificial intelligence (Ai) voiceovers. While we are licensed to use this third-party content for uploading and publishing, we cannot extend that license to you for these purposes. You are allowed to share and view the videos, but downloading and downloading to publish and to upload, is prohibited.

2. Liability: We are not liable for any of your unauthorized use of third-party materials.

3. Recognition: Applicable recognition of third-party content used to pre-construct advertising videos will be listed in the credits at the end of all advertising videos.

4. Licensing and Your Use: It is under Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ ownership’s licensing agreements that our video will be uploaded to our website and company-designated channels on applicable video broadcasting platforms and company-designated social media pages. You may simply share the video link or applicable video QR code to the video in its various locations, as is common and normal, on your social media pages, business cards, company letterhead, in online and print ads, and on other marketing material.    

11. Potential Earnings from Video Monetization on Our Company-Designated Channels                 on Various Video Broadcasting Platforms:

1. Potential Shared Earnings: Though our current goals are not focused on generating revenue from video monetization, if by chance or by future effort on our part, the video that you are subscribed to use begins to generate revenue due to video views or clicks (specifically due to views and clicks, this excludes subscriptions, i.e. your or other’s purchased subscription.), we want to share the earnings with you.

2. Minimum Earning Potential: The minimum amount of earnings will be 30% of the revenue generated from the views and clicks on the specific video that you are subscribed to use.

3. Maximum Earning Potential: The maximum amount of earnings will be 50% of the revenue generated from the views and clicks on the specific video that you are subscribed to use.

4. Payout Eligibility: Payouts will only be made payable to the company or service that is represented within the advertising video that the earnings were made on. This applies to the company that is the subject of the video that is represented in the active subscription plan.

5. Qualifying Videos and Payee: Revenue earnings only apply to the specific related video that you are subscribed to and not to the earnings related to any other video that we have uploaded or published on another subscriber’s behalf.

6. Channel Monetization Earnings Excluded: Revenue earnings apply only to the specific related video that you are subscribed to use, and not to any of our company-designated channels on any video broadcasting platform. You are not entitled to any revenue derived from any of our channel’s monetization on any video broadcasting platforms, or any other type of platforms or sites.

7. Video Monetization is Not Guaranteed: Though we offer the opportunity for you/your company or service to earn off the monetization of the video that you are subscribed to use, if revenue is generated from clicks on to the video and views to the video, we do not guarantee that revenue will be earned.

8. Notification of Monetization: Should the video that you are subscribed to use become monetized due to clicks and video views during the time of your active subscription, we will notify you of its monetization and will issue you the terms that will allow you a split of our revenue earned from the clicks and views of the video.

a. Potential Earnings Range and Details: Your range of earnings will be disclosed if and when the advertising video that you are subscribe to use, becomes monetized. Your potential payouts will range from 30% to 50% of the earnings gained from the clicks and views related to the specific video that you are subscribed to, only.

9. Payouts: Payout of your percentage of earnings will be issued from Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™, only and will not be the responsibility of any third-party video broadcasting or another platform.

a. Our Terms of Use and Conditions, only: This payout agreement is part of the Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ Video Subscription Terms of Use and Conditions and does not represent the Terms and Conditions or Terms of Service of any other platform that may issue revenue payouts to Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ for the videos that we upload to their platforms.

b. Potential Payouts are Derived from Our Applicable Earnings, Not from Another Platform or Company: No online platform that we use to make the video that you are subscribed to use available for you to share, has agreed to pay a percentage of revenue to you for clicks and views of the video that we have uploaded for your marketing use.

10. Restrictions in Access to Participate: Though these restrictions may not apply to our company's willingness or ability to produce a video that your business my subscribe to use, there may be restrictions from third-party video hosting and broadcasting platforms. Some platforms may prohibit some types of branded or sponsored content from being posted on their platforms. 

a. Abiding by Third-Party Platform's Rules and Allowances: All payout and participation agreements are subject to third-party platform rules. For example, some video hosting and broadcasting platforms do not allow branded or sponsored videos for brands that off subscription-based products. Therefore, if you are a brand that offers subscriptions, we cannot post the video that was customized to suit your business on our channels on those specific platforms. Also, we cannot enter into a revenue sharing agreement that would provide you a percent split of earnings related to a specific video's performance on those platforms, due to no revenue being generated because no video is posted. 

b. Notification of Prohibition from Thid-Party Platforms:  If you are a subscription-based business, you will be notified of certain prohibitions from third-party platform posting prior to, and/or when, we learn of prohibitions. If there are other prohibitions from third-party video hosting and broadcasting platforms that are not related to subscription-based services, but apply to any type of business, those business's will be notified prior to and/or when we have knowledge of the prohibitions.  

12. Where Will the Video that You Subscribe to Use, Be Located and Displayed?

1. Main Consistent Location: The video you are subscribed to use will be located on our website at, as space allows, on a designated page which you will have access to for directing your potential clients to view the advertising video that relates to your company.

2. Additional Locations: The video may be shared by us on our company-designated channels on video broadcasting platforms and on our company designated social media pages.

3. Potential Earning as a Biproduct of Sharing: Unintentional Though we are not a marketing and branding company, as part of your subscription, we do share the videos that we create. This sharing simultaneously promotes your company and our company, while also presenting an opportunity for the videos that you subscribe to use, and that we pre-construct, the opportunity to generate revenue by obtaining clicks and views. (See, Potential Earnings from Video Monetization on our Company-Designated Channels on various Video Broadcasting Platforms.)

4. Granting Permission for our Monetization: As part of your agreement to these Terms of Use and Conditions, you agree to allow Visual Resumés and Service Ad Video™ to gain monetarily from any channel monetization that may result from the publishing or uploading of the pre-constructed advertising video that was customized to suit your company/business or service and may contain your company/business or services proprietary material.

 a. Intellectual Property Permissions: This material includes company logos, branding, trademarks, trademarks, or other intellectual property. This monetary gain refers to 100% of the profits from any channel monetization and 50% to 70% of earnings from revenue that may be gained from clicks and views of the specific video that you are subscribed to use. (See, Potential Earnings from Video Monetization on our Company-Designated Channels on various Video Broadcasting Platforms.)

b. Duration of Your Granted Permission: This agreement for our right or permission to monetize are only related to the time period that you are subscribed to use the applicable video or videos and does not include any time periods outside of the subscription plan term.

5. No Entitlement for Compensation, with the Exception of Potential Earnings from Clicks and Views on the Video Subscribed to Use As part of your agreement to these Terms of Use and Conditions, you agree that despite the possible use of your proprietary material listed above, you will only stand to profit from clicks and views of the video that you are subscribed to use, if they become monetized. Also, you agree that you, nor your company, will be entitled to any compensation or any earnings gained from any of our company-designated channel(s) monetization, despite your subscribed status or company connection to the advertising video uploaded, and despite any possible use of your proprietary material within the pre-constructed ad video or videos. 

6. Holding Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ and Other Utilized Online Platforms Harmless: You also hold Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ and all the online video broadcasting platforms that are used to house the video(s) that you are subscribed to use, harmless for hosting and displaying the advertising video that you have pre-approved for use as-is, despite any displays of your company proprietary material. You acknowledge that you were given the opportunity to have any sensitive proprietary information or material removed from the advertising video during the approval process and were offered the opportunity to request a one-time informational edit prior to subscribing. 

13. Watermarks in Our Videos: 

1. Watermarks in our Videos: All pre-constructed advertising videos will contain at least one or two discreet Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ watermarks on each slide of the video. 

14. Timeline of Product Delivery After Subscription Purchase: 

1. Timeline of Product Delivery After Subscription Purchase: You should expect to receive the sharable link or links and applicable QR code(s) to an uploaded and ready to share advertising video that you have approved, within one to three days (1 to 3 days) after purchasing your subscription. However, a maximum of fourteen (14) days is allowed for delivery of the above listed subscription products, in cases of unexpected and/or unavoidable delays.

2. Failure to Deliver Product on Time: Failure to deliver the applicable sharable link or links and any applicable QR code(s), along with viewable access to an uploaded advertising video that you have approved, within fourteen days of purchasing a subscription to use, may result in a refund and a cancellation of subscription, or a prorating of the subscription amount.

3. Notify Us After Fourteen Days (14 days) of Non-Delivery: Contact if you have not received the applicable sharable link or links, an applicable QR code, or access to a viewable and sharable related advertising video that you have pre-approved within fourteen days (14 days) of purchasing an applicable subscription.

4. Notify Us Early: You may also contact us prior to the fourteen days to let us know that you are having problems accessing the marketing tools that you have subscribed to use. Notify us as early as three days if you are having problems accessing the product that you have subscribed to use.

15. Confidentiality:

1. Confidential Information: We will keep all your personal information confidential and will not share nor sell it to a third party, with the exception of sharing only necessary information with third party platforms that facilitate the transaction of your video subscription purchase and that facility any necessary video hosting. The shared information referred to here may only be limited to the business-related content that is contained within the advertising video that you are subscribed to, itself, when it relates to sharing with video hosting and broadcasting platforms. When referring to sharing with third-party platforms that facilitate the transaction of your video subscription, this sharing involves less public information and more private information, such as your name, billing address, and credit card information. These, you share when you input transaction data into online payment fields that are on our website, but are facilitated by third-party companies, such as Stripe Payment Processing. For further details, see our website’s Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy is an extension of these Video Subscription Terms of Use and Conditions.

a. Exclusive Subscription Use: We will only sell a subscription plan to your company-related video to you, the company/business or service that is displayed or referred to within the advertising video. This includes during times when your subscription is cancelled or inactive. The exception to this clause is our use of the video when we upload and share it on your behalf, during your subscription periods.

2. Public Disclosure: We may publicly display the video that you are subscribed to use only on our company website, on our company-designated video broadcasting channels, and on our company-designated social media pages.

a. Sharing is not guaranteed: Though we may occasionally share the video that you are subscribed to use, there is no set time for sharing, nor is sharing on the above referred to designated venues a guarantee that we offer.

b. You will not be compensated for our sharing of the video you are subscribed to, with exception: You agree that you are not entitled to any compensation for our sharing of the video that may promote both ours and your company, with the exception of potential revenue earnings that are generated from clicks and views only of the specific advertising video that you are subscribed to use. This does not include any revenue for our channel’s monetization and is limited to earnings gained from clicks and views, specifically. Your earning potential is limited to 30% to 50% of what we earn from the clicks and views or the video that you are subscribed to only. This does not indicate an earning's split from any form of video subscription earnings.

c. Disclosure of Where the Video May Be Accessed by You: You will be notified of every place where the video you are subscribed to use is posted and will be provided a sharable link, if available, to share from that location.

3. Reasonable Right to Request the Removal of the Video from a Video Hosting Platform or Social Media Platform: If you have a reasonable desire to have the video that you are subscribed to, removed from a platform that you have been notified it has been placed on, you may let us know by emailing your concerns to In the subject line, type: Video Removal Request. Then, in the body of the email, proceed to explain why you would like the video removed and what platform you would like the video removed from. Include your name, your position in the company, the company name, and the number associated with the video. Someone will respond to your email request and will let you know if we can accommodate your request.

16. Authorized Agent/Person:

1. Your Authority in the Company you are Representing: By previewing, approving, and purchasing a subscription to use a pre-constructed, customized, company-specific or service-specific advertising video, you assert that you are an owner, manager, or authorized representative of that specific company and are authorized to make decisions on your company’s public advertising displays. You are asserting that the video that you are previewing, approving, and purchasing a subscription to use, may be displayed to the public on our company website, on our company-designated channels on third-party video hosting and broadcasting platforms, and/or on our company-designated social media pages. You further assert that you are authorized to approve the above-mentioned factors on behalf of the company that you represent.

 a. Authority is Required: Visual Resumes and Service Ad Videos™ only sells the use of pre-constructed advertising video subscriptions to authorized agents of the companies/businesses and services that are the subject of the pre-constructed, customized, ad videos.

17. Age Requirement:

1. Age of Majority: Visual Resumes and Service Ad Videos™ only sells subscriptions to individuals and company representatives who are eighteen years (18 years) of age or older. You must be at least eight years old to purchase an advertising video subscription from us.

2. Information Collection from Minors: Visual Resumes and Service Ad Videos™ does not collect personal information from minors. You must be at least eighteen years old to submit order forms or photo consent and release forms with us. See our company Privacy Policy.

18. Limitation of Liability:

1. You Hold Visual Resumes and Service Ad Videos™ Harmless: We are not, and shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising from your use of our service or the video content that you are subscribed to use. This includes, but is not limited to lost profits, data loss, business interruptions, or reputational harm.

2. You Retain Your Rights to Your Applicable Intellectual Property Used in the Pre-Constructed, Customized, Advertising Video That You Have Subscribed to Use for Marketing: You retain ownership of any content (such as logos, branding, or proprietary materials) provided to us or permitted to us to use in pre-constructing the video you are subscribed to use. This includes proprietary materials submitted during one-time or quarterly informational edits.

3. Extended Terms of Use and Conditions: All Limitations of Liability included on Limitation of Liability page of this website are an extension of Terms of Use and Conditions. 

19. Video Subscription Discount Code Policy:

1. Eligibility:

a. Non-Exclusive Availability of Discount Codes to Subscribers: Discount codes are available to all subscribers of our video service.

b. Discount Code Usage: New subscribers, existing customers, and specific user groups are eligible to use specific, designated discount codes when promotions are active.

2. Discount Amount or Percentage:

a. Discount Values: Discount codes provide a specific value or percentage off the regular subscription price.

b. Examples:

    1. $10 off the annual subscription fee.

    2. 20% discount on the monthly subscription.

3. Code Validity Period:

a. Discount Code Validity: Discount codes are valid for a specified period.

b. Discount Code Expiration Dates: Start and end dates will be clearly communicated to subscribers. 

4. Code Application

a. Application: Subscribers can apply discount codes during the subscription process.

b. Code Redemption: Instructions for code redemption will be provided at checkout.

5. Stacking and Combinations:

a. No Simultaneous Coupon or Discount Code Use: Subscribers cannot combine multiple discount codes to purchase one item or an individual subscription plan. Only one discount code or discount coupon may be applied to each subscription purchase.

b. Limited Promotional Application and Redemption: Discount codes cannot be used alongside other promotions or offers.

6. Usage Limits:

a. One-time Discount Use: Each subscriber can use a discount code once.

b. Regulated, Pre-Determined Allowable Redemptions: Maximum redemptions per code may be set (e.g., one per customer).

7. Renewal Pricing:

a. 50% Discount on First Year of Subscription: Discounted pricing applies to the initial subscription term only.

b. Regular Price Due for Auto-Annual Renewal After Initial Subscription Year: For annual renewals, the regular price will apply.

8. Additional Benefits:

a. Same Benefits, Despite Application of Discount Redemption: Subscribers using discount codes receive the same benefits as regular subscribers.

9. Restrictions:

a. Restrictions May Apply in Some Regions: In some situations, discount codes may not be applicable to specific plans or regions.

10. Extending the Expiration Date of a Discount Code When Submitting an Assemble Pre-constructed Ad Video Form: 

               a. Applying an Applicable Discount Code When Requesting That an Ad Video be Pre-Constructed: When completing an Assemble Preconstructed Ad Video form and anticipating the opportunity to view, possibly approve, and possibly subscribe to use a customized, pre-constructed, advertising video, include the issued discount code on your Assemble Pre-constructed Ad Video form prior to the expiration date that is displayed on your issued discount coupon or notification, to extend your 50% discount deadline to apply to the period of the pre-constructed ad video’s completion

               b. Extending the Validity of the Discount Code: By including the applicable 50% discount code on your submitted form, the promotional discount code will extend and will remain valid after you have been notified that the pre-constructed advertising video is ready to view. New discount deadlines apply, thereafter. See the new parameters below.

               c. New Deadlines Apply: After including a discount to your Assemble Pre-constructed Ad Video prior to its expiration date, the following new deadlines will apply and will be based on your decision to accept the pre- constructed ad video as-is, request informational      edits, add one to four applicable selfies, or have captions applied:

1. New/Extended Discount Code Deadlines Applicable if Discount Code was Inputted on Assemble Pre-constructed Ad Video Form  Prior to its Expiration Date and No Edits are Needed: After receiving notification of the video’s completion, you have up to fifteen days (15 days) to view, approve, and purchase your first year’s subscription plan to use the “as-is” advertising video, to remain          eligible for the fifty percent off your first year's subscription, promotional discount. 

2. New/Extended Discount Code Deadlines Applicable if Discount Code was Inputted on Assemble Pre-constructed Ad Video          Form Prior to its Expiration Date and Edits are Needed: If you view the completed video and find that you need to request an            initial, one-time informational edit or would like to add an applicable selfie-image to the pre-constructed ad video, you have up          to fifteen days (15 days) to submit your request for your initial, one-time informational edit and a selfie addition. Upon receiving        notification of the completion of your initial, one-time informational edit and a selfie addition, you have up to ten days    (10days) to view, approve, and purchase your first year’s subscription plan, to remain eligible for the fifty percent off your first    year's subscription, promotional discount. 

20. Captions:

1. Captioning Defaults

a. Caption Placement: When captions are applied, they are applied at the bottom of the scene or screen of advertising videos.

b. Captioning Defaults: By default, captions are not applied to pre-constructed advertising videos.

c. Captioning Request Required: Captions are only added by request and are part of One-time Informational Edits or Quarterly                      Informational Edits.

d. Disclosure and Disclaimers Must Be Read: An acknowledgement of read Disclosures and Disclaimers regarding issues surrounding AI (artificial intelligence) voiceover use and caption application must be checked to have captions applied to subscribed-to pre-                 constructed advertising/advertisement videos.   

21. Electronic Communication/Limitation Due to Liability:

1. You Hold Visual Resumes and Service Ad Videos™ Harmless: Though no known viruses are detected, you hold Visual Resumes and Service Ad Videos™ and its owners, associates, and affiliates, legally harmless from any mishaps that could occur, such as the transmission  of viruses, malware, and their malicious affects, to your computer, cellular device, other electronic equipment, and files, as a result of receiving and opening attached files through email or file downloads associated with any consumer or business transactions or activity.

22. Force Majeure: 

1. Unforeseen and Unavoidable Delays Due to Acts of Nature, etc.: We are not liable for delays caused by unforeseen events (e.g., natural disasters, strikes, accidents, illnesses, etc.).

23. Governing Laws: 

1. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Washington State, where Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ is located and where the associated advertising video was pre-constructed and uploaded.

a. These Terms of Use and Conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Any disputes will be resolved in the courts of Washington State.

24. Extensions to Video Subscription Terms of Use and Conditions:

1. Other Company Policies: The following company policies are extensions of our Video Subscription Terms of Use and Conditions.

a. Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ Privacy Policy.

b. Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ Limitation of Liability.

c. Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ Disclosures and Disclaimers.

d. Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ Cookie Policy.

f. Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ Returns and Refunds Policy.

25. Allowable Video Production and Child Safety and Protection Guidelines:

1. Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ standard of video content in the video production process is on par with, and nearly identical to, YouTube's standards of video content publishing. Additionally, our website hosting provider, Webador, also has a video content posting policy that is consistent with YouTube's standards as it relates to posting videos that put children in a negative light and that promote child harm. Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ reserves the right to refuse to produce any type of video that goes against our company standards and that goes against the video content standards of our webhosting company, Webador. We also reserve the right to determine which video content is ethical or unethical for us to produce, and to refuse to produce video content based on that determination. This applies to video content that may pass the ethical standards of our website hosting company or platforms that we may publish and broadcast videos on.

26. Video Viewing and Subscribing Offers Subject to Expiration

1.  Regarding offers to view and subscribe to version one (1), version two (2), or any version of an advertising video.

a. Ignored or rejected subscription offers will make pre-constructed, customized videos eligible to be stripped of customization and recategorized for solicitation to the general public: Any completed, customized ad video that is pitched to a business or service for the purpose of soliciting a purchase of a subscription will be valid for a maximum period of thirty days (30 Days). If the offer to subscribe is ignored or rejected by the business or service that it is targeted to, the video itself, and any version of the video, will be eligible to be altered to become a general/generic ad video in the vocational field or profession that it relates to. All customization that applied to the targeted company, such as telephone numbers, website address, business name, etc., will be removed prior to the ad video being introduced to the public for an available subscribing option. It will then be classified as a video that can be subscribed to by any other business or service. 

b. The unaccepted video will be available for any business that first subscribes to use itThe video will be available to be subscribed to under our webpage, "Customize That Video to Suit My Business".

c. Any video that has been subscribed to after being offered as a general or generic ad video that relates to a specific vocation or profession, it will no longer be available to the general public to purchase a subscription to use, while that business/company is subscribed to use it: After another company views the video that has been reclassified, the video will then be removed from a general/generic ad video category and will be customized to suit the new business that has subscribed to use it for their marketing purposes.

d. The originally targeted company may still purchase a subscription to use the ad video that they have previously rejected or ignored: While the ad video is published for solicitation and available for a subscription purchase, the originally targeted business/company may still make an attempt to purchase a subscription to use either version of the video, and any applicable, valid 50% discount codes may still be applied by the originally targeted company. The originally targeted company will have an equal opportunity to subscribe to use the advertising video that they previously rejected or ignored, but will not have an extra additional opportunity, nor seniority, to purchase a subscription to a video because a subscription offer was made to them previously or first. 

27. Chatbot/Live Chat Box Usage:

1.Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ is using the Tidio® chat platform to connect our website ( users with our online and/or live customer support. We collect email addresses only with the consent of the users, in order to begin the chat. The messages and data exchanged are stored within the Tidio® application. This information is also contained in our Privacy Policy. There you can also find links to Tidio’s Privacy Policy. Visual Resumés and Service Ad Videos™ is not making use of the inputted messages or data in any other way than to follow up on users' registered issues or inquiries. Your personal data will be processed and transmitted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Also, this collection and processing of personal information conforms to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

28. Updates to These Video Subscription Terms of Use and Conditions:

1. Visual Resumes and Service Ad Videos™ is at liberty to update these Terms of Use and Conditions at any time. Terms of Use and Conditions updates will be published on this website when they are implemented.

a. Terms of Use and Conditions Update Notification: Notification of updates to Terms of Use and Conditions may be emailed to subscribers when updates are made.




Last updated: October 15, 2024